Market Snapshot Now Available
30 Nov, 20225 minutes
The coronavirus pandemic continues to hit economies across the world and few industries have been left untouched by the fallout. Over the last few weeks, we’ve spoken to clients across the globe to understand how they are approaching this unprecedented situation. It’s clear that with most countries now in varying degrees of lockdown, we’re starting to see the impact it is having on our workforce.
We've collated the findings into our Market Snapshot report - available here.
From a recruitment perspective, the reactions fall into three categories. Some have cancelled all recruitment, some have postponed hiring until the respective lockdowns have passed, and many are continuing to press ahead with their 2020 plans in an attempt to prevent business slowdown or take competitive advantage.
Obviously, the very nature of this fast-moving situation means that this could all change very quickly. But in the meantime, we hope this adds some value to the way you and your business approach the current situation.